If you have trouble verifying your email address or accessing Stripe Checkout, then we also accept the payment methods below. Instructions:
- Pay for the number of months you want to subscribe. For example, if you want to use the Plus plan for six months, pay $4.99 × 6 = $29.94.
- Email us your transaction ID (TXID) for verification. If you paid through PayPal, provide your PayPal email address instead of TXID.
- We will send you a subscription key that will auto-expire after the number of months you paid for in step 1. You may receive an invoice from Stripe that you can ignore (it’s part of the process when manually setting up a subscription for you).
NOTE: We are processing a massive volume of emails at the moment, so it may take up to 72 hours after payment to receive your subscription key. We do not operate on weekends, so please take that into consideration. To minimize disruptions to your service, we recommend prepaying a minimum of six months at a time.